In the midst of living life I have completely neglected this blog. It's been almost 2 weeks since I last posted! Wow! Life has been busy and well finding time to get on the computer hasn't been easy. Landon is now 13 months old and he took his first steps last Saturday, however, he has not taken any since. Ugh! I know once he is walking and running, I'm going to want him to slow down, but now I'm so anxious for him to walk. He has become quite the little monkey climbing up and down on everything he can. He is also very proud of his accomplishments... he claps for himself. (He's not lacking in the self-esteem area). Ha! His little personality comes out more and more everyday and Pat and I have to watch what we say around him. He's beginning to try and repeat our words. They don't come out very clear but he's trying.
I am now 22 weeks into this pregnancy with Miss Mya and May cannot get here fast enough. Talk about neglecting, I've neglected to post any belly shots thus far! I'm not even sure I have any. I will get better... soon! But just take my word for it... my belly is huge! Third baby in three years = fast growing belly!!!! I love watching Landon's face when he sees my belly.. he rubs it and just stares. I can only imagine his thoughts, "geez mom lay off the cookies!" I can't wait for him to meet his baby sister!
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