Monday, June 25, 2012

Crack Me Up

Hands down Landon is at the very best age!  I love thestage he is in!  Six months is such a blast!  Yea, yea his sleeping could be much better and yep he has his moments...but... his little personality is exploding and I absolutely love it!  He just makes us laugh and laugh!  Not a day goes by that we aren't cracking up at something he is doing, a face he is making or one of his newest discoveries.  It's such an amazing thing to watch a young child develop, discover, learn and grow.  Pat and I both are loving being able to be home with Landon everyday.  It is such a blessing and by far the best perk of our job (summer's off)!  Landon is king of new faces!  I don't know where he gets them from or how he realizes he can make them, but his facials are hilarious!!!  There is not a more awesome sound in the whole world than a baby belly laughing.  Landon's laugh is too cute and makes me smile instantly when I hear it.  I don't ever want to forget this stage of his life... so for your viewing pleasure here are 2 videos of our little man!!!


  1. Awwww so sweet love the videos!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry if this is a double post...

    He is so stinkin' cute! And, that 2nd video with the scrunched up nose - Anthony used to do that, too!! Though, i think the video of him I have is older than Landon is in this one. Maybe 8 months. TOO funny!!!

