Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Just when I allowed myself to take a breathe the unexpected happened.  After our positive news from the geneticist last week we thought we were in the clear.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  Yesterday I received the unfortunate phone call from our geneticist that more autopsy results were in.  On the 19th chromosone they found a deletion.  This means that part of the chromosone was missing.  This causes chromosone breakage and most likely the reason why Paige had a chromosone translocation with chromosones 11 and 19.  This was not just more information but also the start of tests for Pat and I.  With this deletion brings a cause for concern that Pat or I could also have this deletion.  We will be going very soon for blood tests.  Luckily, the doctor is hopeful that the tests will come back negative.  The doctor said we have to go one step at a time, cross every t and dot every i.  The next step is unknown to me right now because the doctor told me it gets very confusing from here.  Great, as if I'm not confused enough! Anyone who knows me knows that going one step at a time is almost impossible for me.  I like to take leaps and bounds.  So now the waiting game begins.  We go for tests and then wait for the results.  Not a game I like to play.  I continue to pray for strength, but today I think I will also ask for some patience.  If my sweet girl had to fight through this (see picture) to spend time with us, the least we can do is make sure we find out exactly what caused this nasty illness.

Our little fighter


  1. Marissa,

    Your strength and bravery continue to amaze me with every post. I am continuing to pray for your family everyday.

    Jaime (Horn) Gast

  2. Marissa,
    I BELIEVE that you will get the answers you are seeking after this round of tests!! I am praying everyday for you and Pat. Keep your head high and your heart with God!
    Love you,

  3. Marissa,

    I almost cried the first time i heard paiges story and continue to cry hours after paige is in a much better place and to know she wont be hurting and the lord is with her.
    A 5th grade student

  4. i love u mrs stienhoff

  5. Marissa,

    You have a beautiful baby girl and a handsome baby boy.Paige may not be here phisically but she is always in our hearts and in our minds.Just know Jesus is taking very goodcare of your baby girl.Everyone wants you to know she is not hurting anymore.I pray every morning and night for you Pat and Landon.Paige is looking down on you and telling Jesus to keep you safe.
