Thursday, April 28, 2011

Faith, Hope & Love

Last night I was given a very special gift.  Our support group had a special Mother's Day meeting where all the mom's got to meet and make bracelets.  It was such a special event.  It was nice to be surrounded by so many women who know the pain I live everyday.  These women have been walking this scary road with me and feeling the same feelings I've been feeling for almost four months now.  Like one of the ladies said, "I feel normal here."  Normal is not something I feel, but there I do.  I am so thankful for this beautiful gift that will always remind me of my beautiful Paige, but to me this bracelet is more.  Three of the beads read "Faith, Hope and Love".  As I reflect on my journey these past few months I can say confidently that those three words have been my rock.  Faith in God to carry Pat and I though this awful nightmare and to continue to walk by our sides each and every day.  Hope that our future is bright and happiness will find us again.  Love for eachother, love for our families and friends and love for our sweet baby girl.  Faith, hope and love are beautiful things!


  1. Your bracelet is so pretty and you are AMAZING!

  2. Sounds like you had a spiritual uplifting weekend!! Love u

  3. so beautiful and special...just like Paige
    Marcia A
