Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Closed Door

For a little over six months now there is a door in our home that has not been opened.  Paige's door.  It's too much for us to take.  We have had to go in a few times especially early on to get things for the funeral and such.  Mostly the door has remained shut.  It's too painful and heart wrenching to go in there knowing it was to be Paige's room.  A room she never got to see.  We've been discussing opening the door because in a few months there will be a baby who will need the nursery.  We know that we will one day (sooner than later) have to open that door.  We have to go in there.  We have to prepare the nursery for Baby #2, but that day is not today.  The room has been untouched.  Her clothes are still in the drawers and hanging in the closet.  The rocking chair sits in the corner never been used.  The empty crib remains empty.  It's hard to stomach, but it's our reality.  We have hope for the future that Baby #2 will fill that room with love and happiness and I know Paige's presence will always be there.  For now the door remains closed.  We're praying for strength to open it up and to be at peace with what's inside.

If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.
John 8:36


  1. Marissa, I can only imagine how hard it's going to be changing that room from Paige's to the new baby's room. Be sure to keep small things of Paige's still in there. I know her baby brother or sister will treasure them. Also, make sure you take pictures of the room before you change it. You'll want them later. Looking forward to our big party Monday!!! {{{Hugs}}} Michelle

  2. Oh sweetie I am so sorry, I can not even imagine how had that is for you. Praying for you!
