Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Praise Jesus!

We had our visit with the perinatal doctor this morning... he was confident in reporting that we have a very healthy baby boy growing inside of me.  He couldn't find the EIF and said that it is nothing for us to be concerned about.  He said our precious boy is measuring perfect and growing just as he needs to be.  Praise Jesus!  Pat and I are so relieved and so thankful that our little man is just fine.  We can't thank you all enough for your endless prayers, love and support the past few days.  Our world literally stopped with the devastating news on Monday and our faith is renewed with today's blessing.  I know my sweet Paige played an important part in all of this.  She will always watch out for her little brother.  Tomorrow's weekly pregnancy post will be extra special for me to write knowing that my little man is healthy.  Thank you Jesus!


  1. Marissa,

    I am so happy to hear this exciting news!!! I have been worried sick all day, and I know some of your team were nail biting in our meeting this morning waiting to hear! God works in amazing ways, and I am so glad he has blessed you and Pat with great news! My heart is singing!

  2. Emily Ayala (Julie Turnipseed's neighbor)July 20, 2011 at 3:01 PM

    So happy for your good news. I had a feeling that the prob on Monday was nothing. My sister had something similar happen to her with her second child. Congrats again! Excited to hear such good news!

  3. You don't know me, but I have been following your blog for a while now and praying for you non-stop since your post on Monday. I am so glad to hear that everything is all right! Blessings to you both and congratulations on your healthy little boy! - Brandy

  4. So happy to hear that baby boy is healthy. God is good! I hope you and Pat are doing well! There's lots of cute "baseball" stuff out there for little boys! :)

  5. We all know Paige was going to bat for her little brother. She is our special angel that we can count on. We were all praying for little LJ to be healthy.. Thanks you Jesus
    Love Mimi

  6. Beautiful news! So many people are praying for and pulling for you. Not a day passes that you,Pat and your families are not in my thoughts. Keep the good news coming, and congratulations on your precious boy!

    Linda B

  7. Praise Jesus is so right!

    see EIF did stand for Everything Is Fine!!!!
    Marcia A

  8. Hey Mrs.Godefroid (I can't remember your new last name),
    This is Sarah M from your 2nd grade class, I am now going into 7th grade, I am so happy that you are pregnant and I hope your pregnancy is going good and healthy, hopefully if you are still working at school, I can stop by one day to see you....By the way you are one of the most gorgeous people I have seen(: Hope all is well and much love<3 Erika said Hi!
    Sarah and Erika(:
